COVID-19 Screening
Well for Work's' screening questionnaire for COVID 19 to help healthcare providers (hospitals, clinics, and rest homes) to better screen their staff before they come to the hospital or rest home.
This will help ensure the safety and health of the patients, residents and staff.
Well for Work: Partners in health, wellness and sustainable work outcomes
As the coronavirus (COVID-19) continues to spread, many healthcare providers are looking for ways to screen their patients and employees. WellForWork has developed a COVID-19 questionnaire that can help healthcare providers identify potential cases of the virus before they come to work.
The questionnaire asks about symptoms of the virus, recent travel, and contact with anyone who has been diagnosed with COVID-19. Based on the answers, the questionnaire will give healthcare providers a risk level for each person.
This screening tool can help healthcare providers protect themselves and their patients from exposure to the virus. It is important to remember that even if someone does not have any symptoms, they may still be infected with COVID-19 and be able to spread it to others.